Friday, May 4, 2007

Thai fruits - Durian(7)

Durian -King of Thai fruits (7)

There are 4 favourite kinds of Durian in Thailand .

1. "Monthong" - the most favourite and popular in Thailand
2. "Chanee"
3. "Kanyao"
4. "Kradoom"

Durian is not only delicious ; but also durian give high nutrition (Fat, Protein , Carbohydrate and vitamins) .
"Monthong" 100 g can give around 155 kCal
"Kanyao" 100 g can give around 180 kCal

Favourite thai Desserts from durian:
Stick rice with durian and coconut milk (delicious but strong smell and high calories)
Fried durian
Dried durian

Thai fruits

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