Monday, December 21, 2009

Thai fruits- Tangerine

Thai Name : ส้มเขียวหวาน
Common Name : Tangerine, Mandarin
Scientific Name : Citrus reticulata Blanco.
Color : thin yellowish green rind; orange flesh
Taste : sweet and slightly sour, juicy
Shape : flattened sphere which easily separated
Availibility : All year
Peak Period : Oct. - Feb.

Preparation And Eating Break open the fruit by pressing thumbs at dented spot in the bottom. Separate the fruit in half. Peel the rind and remove all the fibrous filament. Beware seeds.
Uses : Eaten fresh, made juice.
Storage : 2-4 weeks at 2-5C,90-95% Relative Humidity.

Thai fruits

Thai fruits- Sweet orange

Thai Name : ส้มเช้ง

Common Name : Sweet Orange

Scientific Name : Salaca sp.

Color : green; yellowish flesh

Taste : sweet and juicy

Shape : round and hard,bumpy rind covered with oil glands

Availibility : All year

Peak Period : Jul. - Oct.

Preparation And Eating Use a knife to curve the outer green skin off. Cut the fruit into four pieces. Remove the skin and seeds.
Uses : Eaten fresh
Storage : 2-4 weeks at 2-5C,90-95% Relative Humidity
Thai fruits

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thai fruits - Tamarind

Thai fruits

Thai Name : มะขามหวาน

Common Name : Tamarind , Indian tamarind
Scientific Name : Tamarindus indica L.
Color : brown shell; soft amd reddish broen flesh
Taste : sweetShape : long and curve pod
Availibility : Late Dec. - Feb.

Preparation And Eating Pick up a sweet tamarind pod. Crack the pod and remove the shell. Remove lataral vein fiber from the flesh. Arrange all sweet tamarind flesh on a plate. Beware seeds.
Uses : Eaten fresh
Storage : It is recommended to kept the fruit in platic bag at the ambient temperature -Dry ripe pod: 4 months -Dry ripe pulp: 3 months
Thai fruits

Thai fruits - Sugar Apple

Thai fruits

Sugar Apple

Thai Name : น้อยหน่า
Common Name : Sugar apple
Scientific Name : Annona squamosa l.
Color : mature fruit-green; white flesh
Taste : sweet and scented
Shape : heart shape
Availibility : All year
Peak Period : Apr. - Aug.

Preparation And Eating :The fruit is soft fragrant when ripen. Break the fruit open with hands. Eat the flesh with a spoon discarding seeds and the skin.
Uses : Eaten fresh
Storage : 5-7 days at 12-15C,90-95% Relative Humidity. 2-3 days at ambient temperature.
Thai fruits

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thai fruits - Sapodilla

Thai fruits - Sapodilla

Thai Name : ละมุด

Common Name : Sapodilla

Scientific Name : Manilkara kauki (L.) Dubard

Color : light brown or yellowish brown

Taste : juicy and sweet

Shape : oval round and elangated

Availibility : Sep. - Dec.

Preparation And Eating The ripe fruit can be eaten when soft. Peel with a knife. Slice the fruit lengthwise into four pieces and remove seeds.

Uses : Eaten fresh Storage : Kep the fresh fruit at ambient temperature(25-30C) It can be kept for 2-3 days.
Thai fruits