Monday, November 24, 2008

Thai fruits - Rambeh

Thai fruits

Common Name : Rambeh , rambi

Scientific Name : Baccaurea ramiflora Lour.

Color : yellow

Taste : sweet and slightly sour

Shape : oval

Availibility : May. - Aug.

Preparation And Eating Press lightly with fingers to break and open the skin at the stalk point. Separate the fruit in half. Take the flesh out. Do not bite seed because it is bitter.

Uses : Eaten fresh Storage : 4-5 days in ambient temperature

Thai fruits

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thai fruits - Rambutan

Thai fruits

Common Name : Rambutan

Scientific Name : Nephelium lappaceum L.

Color : bright red skini with green spintern; white flesh

Taste : sweet and fragrant

Shape : oval and thick skin,cover with long spintern

Availibility : Apr. - Aug.

Preparation And Eating Cut the fruit in lengthwise. Remove the skin. Remove the seed.

Uses : Eaten fresh and frozen ,added in fruit salad and added in syrup as desserts and canned rambutan.

Storage : 3-5 weeks at 2-7C, 90-95% Relative Humidity Do not leavethe frit directly exposed to ambient air,because the spintern and red rind will turn dark brown rapidly.

Thai fruits

Thaifruits - Pummelo

Thai fruits
Common Name : Pummelo
Scientific Name : Citrus maxima(Burman) Merr.
Color : dark green skin;pink , or yellowish flesh
Taste : sweet and juicy
Shape : globular
Availibility : All year
Peak Period : Oct. - Dec.

Preparation And Eating: Use a knife to curve the outer green skin off. Peel off the white fleshy part of the skin. Cut the fruit into two pieces. Separate the segment and remove the skin and seeds.

Uses : Eaten fresh , made juice and added in fruit salad.
Storage : 4-6 weeks at 12-15C,95% Relative Humidity.
Thai fruits

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thai fruits - Pomegranate

Thai fruits

Common Name : Pomegranate

Scientific Name : Punica granatum L.

Color : reddish-pink skin with translucent red;pink and light pink pulp encased seeds

Taste : sweet or sweet and slightly sour

Shape : round

Preparation And Eating: Cut the fruit in half. Pry out the pulp-encased seeds. Remove any of the light-colored membrane that adheres.

Uses : Eaten fresh ,made juice, garnished on sweet and desserts.
Storage : Keep in cool and dark place for up to month. Pomegranate seeds packed in an airtight container and stored in freezer can be kept for up to 3 months.
Thai fruits

Thai fruits - Pineapple

Thai fruits

Common Name : Pineapple
Scientific Name : Ananas comosus
Color : dark green or yellowish orange rind;mild yellow flesh
Taste : sweet and sour
Shape : cylindrical, and shallow seedy
Availibility : All year
Peak Period : Apr. - Jul

Preparation And Eating: Remove the rind with a knife and make sure to cut off the enough skin to got the eyes. Slice the fruit lengthwise into 8-10 pieces. Remove the core. Cut up the pieces crosswise and arrange them on a plate.

Uses : Eaten fresh ,added in fruit salad, made jam and juice, green salad, Thai cuisine and deserts and canned pineapple.
Storage : 2-4 weks at 7-13C, 85-90% Relative Humidity.
Thai fruits

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thai fruits - Passion fruit

Thai fruits

Common Name : Passionfruit
Scientific Name : Passiflora edulis Sims.
Color : dark purple with faint; fine white specks or light yellow or purple
Taste : slightly sour
Shape : nearly round,oval or elongated
Availibility : Sep. - Nov.

Preparation And Eating Cut the passionfruit in half with a knife. Scrape out the pulp with a spoon. Press trough a fine sieve to remove the tiny seeds,if desired.

Uses : Eaten fresh ,Frozen, made cakes, ice cream and juice
Storage : 3-4 days at ambient temperature
Thai fruits