Monday, September 29, 2008

Thai fruits - Durian

Common Name : Durian

Scientific Name : Durio zibethinus Murray

Color : mature fruit-golden yellow-brown; flesh-creamy yellow

Taste : sweet with strong smell

Shape : elongated with spiny rind, the base has a pronounced beak

Availibility : May. - Aug.

Preparation And Eating The fruit should have a good smell when it ripes. insert a knife and slit from end to end along the two grooves. The rind will naturally split open from the bottom to the top. Separate the sections and take out the segments. Remove the seed.
Uses : Eaten fresh ,made durian chip, cake and ice-cream.

Storage : Mature unripe durian10-15 days at 13-15C, 90-95% Relative Humidity. Ripe durian(whole fruit):7-14 days at 13-15,90-95% Relative Humidity without refrigeration The ripe fruit has a shelf life only 2-5 days. The pulp can be refrigerated up to 7 days in closed packing or frozen for later use.

Thai fruits

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