Saturday, October 25, 2008

All The Amazing Benefits Of Mangosteen Pills by Dane Stanton

All The Amazing Benefits Of Mangosteen Pills by Dane Stanton

Mangosteen, known as "Queen of all fruit", has been used for centuries by Asian health practitioners for its nutritional benefits and delicious flavor. It is known as an antioxidant-rich fruit. Using of various supplements that contain components of mangosteen is one of the popular ways to take care of health. An additional argument is that fresh mangosteen is difficult to transport, and the tinned fruit loses a great part of useful properties. The decision of this problem is mangosteen pills.

Mangosteen - Queen of All Fruit

Mangosteen is related to typically Thai fruit. During the season of rains (April - September) the markets of the West Indies countries are full with mangosteen fruit. Despite of the name is similar to mango, these plants are not relatives.
Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is from Guttiferae family, which includes over 200 kinds of edible fruit.

Mangosteen is considered to be one of the tastiest fruit in the world, but nevertheless it is cultivated on the limited areas, mainly in Thailand where mangosteen plantations occupy totally more than nine thousand of hectare. Also mangosteen is grown on the Philippines, in Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Honduras.

Mangosteen trees bear the first fruit relatively late at the age of 9 until they are 20 years old. A fructifying mangosteen tree is a tremendous view: bright round purple fruit emphasized by thick dark green leaves look wonderful. The diameter of mangosteen is about 6-9 sm, and it weighs from 80 up to 200 grams. The peel is very dense, 5 mm thick (one should not try to open the fruit with his teeth). It takes up approximately 2/3 of the fruit.

To reach the pulp, it is necessary to thrust a knife in the scape area and to divide the peel in half. Considerable efforts to cut the peel are worthy of it, since under the peel you will see white, or cream, juicy cloves (there are usually 5-8 ones) with oily, sweet, but not luscious, sometimes a bit astringent taste.

To tell the truth, there is no fruit to compare mangosteen taste with, but believe - it is delicious. You should eat the fruit cautiously, since in some cloves there are rather large dark pits. The more cloves are in the fruit, the less pits it contains.

There are several dishes mangosteen may be added to fruit salads, compotes, it is possible to add it to cocktails with champagne, and it also may be preserved. There is only one problem about mangosteen. Some fruit can be ill, and in this case their pulp becomes dark, almost yellow, sticky, with unpleasant taste and smell. The reason of this disease is still unknown.

What is the Mangosteen Pill
Mangosteen pill is a very popular biologically active supplement due to curative properties of the fruit. Mangosteen pills are derived from the peel and the seeds. Mangosteen juice is pleasant, peel is not; but in fact it is the peel where the maximum of useful substances is concentrated. Therefore consumers are offered tablets. Mangosteen peel contains such useful substances as xanthones. These are powerful antioxidants, which effectively struggle with oncological diseases and possess antibacterial action. Besides, mangosteen is vascular relaxant that struggles against such illnesses as ischemic heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, and so on. Many people strain to spend a lot of money and to accept a large amount of various supplements to provide their body with a daily norm of various substances. Mangosteen pills helps you to save time and money and to supply human organism with all the necessary substances.

About the Author
If you want to learn more about mangosteen including free information, reviews and much more, or you want to join our free online mangosteen course, then please visit - Mangosteen (Recommended) or for more free articles all about mangosteen visit Mangosteen Blog

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thai fruits - Papaya

Thai fruits
Common Name : Papaya, papaw
Scientific Name : Carica papaya L.
Color : reddish orange skin;red flesh
Taste : sweetShape : cylindrical shape with a pointed tip
Availibility : All year
Preparation And Eating Cut the fruit crosswise into rings. Peel with a knife. Remove seeds. Cut into pieces for eating.
Uses : Eaten fresh, made juice, added in fruit salad and desserts, Raw papaya can be added in thai salad.
Storage : 1-3 weeks at 13-15C,85-90% Relative Humidity.
Thai fruits

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thai fruits - Musk Melon

Thai fruits

Common Name : Musk melon

Scientific Name : Cucumis melo L.

Color : light green skin;yellow slightly to orange flesh

Taste : sweet

Shape : oval

Availibility : All year

Peak Period : Oct. - Mar.

Preparation And Eating The flesh can be slice , cuped and scoped into ball. Use a knife to slice the fruit lengthways from its stalk into 6 pieces. Peel with a knife by passsing the blade between the skin and the flesh, keeping the flesh stay on skin. Cut the flesh into pieces crosswise arrange them on a plate.

Uses : Eaten fresh or eaten with syrup and coconut milk.

Storage : 4-7 days at ambient temperature

Thai fruits

Thai fruits - Mamiew pomerac

Thai fruits
Common Name : Mamiew pomerac, malay apple
Scientific Name : Syzygium malaccense(Linn.) Merr & Li.Mi.Perry
Color : purplish-red;white flesh
Taste : slightly sour
Shape : round with a cavity at the center,containing a round seed
Availibility : Jan - Apr.

Preparation And Eating Cut the fruit in half. Remove the seed.

Uses : Eaten fresh fruit
Storage : 5-7 days in ambient temperature
Thai fruits

Thai fruits - Mangosteen

Thai fruits

Common Name : Mangosteen

Scientific Name : Garcinia mangostana L.

Color : thick skin with dark purple color;white flesh

Taste : sweet juicy and mild fragrant

Shape : globular

Availibility : Apr. - Dec.

Peak Period : Apr. - Jul.

Preparation And Eating Cut the rind around the middle. Open the fruit, the segments inside will stick to the basal part. Use a fork to lift the segment out.

Uses : Eaten fresh and frozen, added in fruit salad and made wine.

Storage : 3-4 weeks at 13C,90-95% Relative Humidity

Thai fruits

Thai fruits - Mango (2)

Thai fruits

Common Name : Mango

Scientific Name : Mangifera indica L.

Color : mature fruit-dark green; flesh-white. it should be eaten this stage

Taste : sweet, slightly sour and crispy

Shape : oblong

Availibility : Mar. - May.

Preparation And Eating Peel of the skin. Slice or sliver the flesh along the length of the mango.

Uses : Eaten fresh with sweetened fish sauce relish, added in fruit salad and desserts.

Storage : Keep the fresh fruit at ambient temperature(25-30C). It can be kept for 3-4 days before ripen.

Thai fruits

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thai fruits - Mango

Thai fruits
Common Name : Mango

Scientific Name : Mangifera indica L.

Color : golden yellow skin; deep yellow flesh

Taste : sweet and fragrant

Shape : ovate with sharp pointed tip
Availibility : All year
Peak Period : Mar. - May.

Preparation And Eating Carve the flesh lengthwise on both sidea, keeping the knife as close as possible to the seed. Chop into squares.

Uses : Eaten fresh and frozen, made jice and jam, fruit salad and desserts.
Storage : 2-3 weeks at 10-13C,80-90% Relative Humidity
Thai fruits

Thai fruits - Lichi

Thai fruits
Common Name : Lichi
Scientific Name : Litchi chinensis Sonn.
Color : bright red skin; white flesh
Taste : sweet, slightly sour and fragrant
Shape : globular
Availibility : Apr. - Jun.

Preparation And Eating Slit the with a knife or using strong thumb-nail around the fruit from end to end. Remove the skin. Remove the seed.

Uses : Eaten fresh and frozen, made juice, added in desserts and canned lichi.
Storage : 3-5 weeks at 2-5C, 90-95% Relative Humidity. Do not leave the fruit directly expsed to ambient air because the red rind will turn dark brown rapidly.
Thai fruits

Thai fruits - Longkong

Thai fruits

Common Name : Longkong
Scientific Name : Aglaia sp.

Color : creamy yellow skin; smoky white flesh with bitter seeds

Taste : sweet with slightly sour

Shape : globular

Availibility : May. - Sep.

Preparation And Eating Press Lightly with your fingers to break and open the skin at the stalk point. Separate the fruit in half. Take the flesh out. Do not bite the seed because it is bitter.
Uses : Eaten fresh

Storage : 2-3 weeks at 18C, 90% Relative Humidity

Thai fruits

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Thai fruits- Longan

Thai fruits
Common Name : Longan
Scientific Name : Dimocarpus longon Lour.
Color : brown skin; white flesh
Taste : sweet
Shape : flattened spherical shape
Availibility : All year
Peak Period : Jun. - Aug.

Preparation And Eating Slit the skin with a knife or using a strong thump-nail around the fruit from end to end. Remove the skin. Remove the seed.
Uses : Eaten fresh, added in fruit salad and canned longon.
Storage : 2-3 weeks at 4-7C, 90-95% Relative Humidity
Thai fruits

Thai fruits - Jujube

Thai fruits
Common Name : Jujube
Scientific Name : Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.
Color : green skin;white flesh
Taste : firm and crispy
Shape : round or oval shape
Availibility : All year
Peak Period : Jun. - Dec.

Preparation And Eating Eat or slice the fruit into small pieces. Beware of the seed.
Uses : Eaten fresh, added in fruit salad.
Storage : 2-3 weeks at4-7C,90-95% Relative Humidity
Thai fruits

Thai fruits- Java Apple

Thai fruits
Common Name : Java apple, wax jambu,wax apple
Scientific Name : Syzygium samarangense(Blume)
Color : shiny and pale green, dark red skin; white thick firm and crispy flesh
Taste : sweet with a touoch of flavor
Shape : (green) cone shape , (red) big bell shape
Availibility : All year
Peak Period : Jan. - Mar.

Preparation And Eating Cut the fruit in half lengthwise. Slice each half lengthwise into two pieces. Arrange the pieces on a plate.
Uses : Eaten fresh, added in fruit salad, green salad.
Storage : 1-2 weeks at 12-14C,90-95% Relative Humidity
Thai fruits

Thai fruits- jack fruit

Thai fruits
Common Name : Jackfruit
Scientific Name : Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.
Color : yellowish brown skin; golden yellow flesh
Taste : sweet and fragrant
Shape : ovate or oblong, approximately 7-15 kg/fruit
Availibility : All year
Peak Period : Apr. - May.

Preparation And Eating Cut the fruit in half lengthwise. Wipe ot all the latex with paper. Remove the core. Place each the half fruit on a table or a flat surface; press the skin along the edge down with your hands to separate fruit sections. Pull out each sections,cut to open the flesh and remove the seed.

Uses : Eaten fresh or frozen, added in fruit salad smoothie, ice cream and desserts.
Storage : 2-3 weeks at 15-20C,90-95% Relative Humidity, depending on cultivar and maturity stage. The pulp can be refigerated up to 7 days in closed packaging.
Thai fruits

Thai fruits - Guava

Thai fruits
Common Name : Guava
Scientific Name : Psidium guajava L.
Color : light green skin, white flesh
Taste : crunchy,sweet and slightly sour
Shape : globular
Availibility : All year

Preparation And Eating Use knife to slice the fruit lengthwise into 4-6 wise. Slice off the part containing seeds.
Uses : Eaten fresh, made juice,added in fruit salad, green salad and made guava in brine. Storage : Mature-green and partially-ripe:2-3 weeks at 8-10C,90-95% Relative Humidity Fully ripe: 1 week at 5-8C,90-95% Relative Humidity.
Thai fruits